英文名:Regulation for washing and disinfection technique of medical textiles in healthcare facilities
英文名:Ozone disinfector for medical purpose
中文名:病人、医护人员和器械用手术单、手术衣和洁净服 第4部分:干态落絮试验方法
英文名:Surgical drapes, gowns and clean air suits for patients, clinical staff and equipment. Part 4: Te
英文名:Liquid barrier performance and classification of protective apparel intended for use in health ca
英文名:Guideline for evaluation of selection and use of medical protective clothing
中文名:医用防护口罩材料病毒过滤效率评价测试方法 Phi-X174噬菌体测试方法
英文名:Evaluation test method for the viral filtration efficiency(VFE) of medical protective face mask m
英文名:Test method for protective clothing material resistance to hypodermic needle puncture
中文名:一次性使用医用手套 第2部分:测定货架寿命的要求和试验
英文名:Medical glove for single use. Part 2: Requirements and testing for shelf life determination
中文名:一次性使用医用手套 第1部分:生物学评价要求与试验
英文名:Medical gloves for single use. Part 1: Requirements and testing for biological evaluation
英文名:Standard Test Method for Determining the Residual Kill Activity of Hand Antiseptic Formulations