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标准号 标准名称 发布日期
GOST R ISO 20816-3-2023 Mechanical vibration. Measurement and evaluation of machine vibra... [2025/03/01]
GOST R ISO 20816-8-2023 Mechanical vibration. Measurement and evaluation of machine vibra... [2025/03/01]
GOST R ISO 20816-9-2023 Mechanical vibration. Measurement and evaluation of machine vibra... [2025/03/01]
ISO/IEC 29110-5-1-1-2025 Systems and software engineering — Life cycle profiles for very s... [2025/02/18]
ISO 5222-2-2025 Heat recovery ventilators and energy recovery ventilators — Testi... [2025/02/18]
ISO/TS 17430-2025 Patient compartment of negative pressure ambulance — Technical sp... [2025/02/18]
ISO 24204-2025 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Bulk mater... [2025/02/18]
ISO/IEC 29110-5-1-2-2025 Systems and software engineering — Life cycle profiles for very s... [2025/02/18]
ISO 10972-1-2025 Cranes — Requirements for mechanisms — Part 1: General [2025/02/17]
ISO 15086-2-2025 Hydraulic fluid power — Determination of the fluid-borne noise ch... [2025/02/14]
ISO 11901-1-2025 Tools for pressing — Gas springs — Part 1: General specifications... [2025/02/14]
ISO 16365-1-2025 Plastics — Thermoplastic polyurethanes for moulding and extrusion... [2025/02/14]
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